Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Have I Been All This Time?

No, really, I'm asking... where have I been?
Back in July I was let go from my crappy dead-end job (which made me happy), but never told my cowardly bosses what I really thought of them (which still makes me mad); then I became a nanny for the summer and spent my first summer in YEARS outdoors, getting tan and losing weight (finally) and chasing two to three wonderful kids all over New York City.
I went to the beach, I went to Central Park, I went to the children's museum in Brooklyn. Then the kids and their parents went to Australia for six months, and everything after that is a blur. I'm working again, which is great, because not working doesn't pay the rent (nor does it pay for cat food, cat litter, groceries, etc.).
But now spring is coming back around, and at this time of year I always get a little crazy/restless/loopy/anxious/hopeful/daydreamy/bored/excited/hungry. And suddenly I found myself wondering: WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN ALL THIS TIME?
I never made it to the Metropolitan Museum like I planned. I haven't been to a movie by myself in ages. I haven't read a really good book in months. I haven't written anything - never mind anything I liked - in ages. I'm 34 years old, I haven't traveled yet, I haven't finished the one book I desperately need to finish if I'm ever going to sleep all the way through the night, I haven't learned enough or read enough or thought enough, and heaven knows I haven't written enough.
It's spring again, and it's time for my annual panic attack. So I'm going to set some little goals for myself, baby steps, little things, really, and after that I'm going to ask for suggestions.
1. Finish the first draft of my novel (in progress for at least the last 10 years)
2. Go to the Met Museum by myself for no reason (ie. no visiting out-of-town guests to drag along)
3. Find a new book that ISN'T a mystery
4. Take a weekend trip (haven't done that in years) by myself (haven't done that EVER)
5. Blog regularly (at least once a week)
Now I need suggestions, and I'll take anything - what do those of you who, unlike me, haven't been living in their own vacuum for the past 34 years, suggest I do this spring/summer to widen my mind and broaden my horizons?
I'll take anything you've got. I'm not saying I'll do it, but I could sure use some inspiration.
And chocolate. Send me chocolate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to see you writing again. If you want to read a good book that's not a mystery, Try "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks".

Don't beat up on yourself. Life is too short. Baby steps are good.