Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Out, Out, Damned Centipede(s)!

Let's see now. Overall, things weren't going too badly. Oh, sure, I'm out one full-size Aerobed (thank you, "Gnat" - turns out he wasn't fully declawed after all. Not that I have a major problem with that, but the Aerobed certainly did), there are herds of cat hair balls, not unlike tumbleweeds, roaming through my apartment and occasionally attempting to escape, and the only working phone jack is in one of the front hall closets. Accessing the internet now requires me to hook up a bunch of wires and run them from the closet into the foyer, which now doubles as an office. But other than that, things were okay.

Until the centipedes.

I don't have roaches. I can take down any mosquito. I'm not saying I'm not grateful for my lack of insect issues. But the centipedes.

The first one was small, and not terribly bright. It was roadkill on my slipper within seconds. The second one was huge, and could have had a college degree for all I know. It took me about 10 minutes to get anywhere near it once I spotted it. I actually considered letting it have the apartment, packing everything up, including the cats, and moving immediately. I also considered calling my coworker and her boyfriend and begging them to come and kill the thing, which, I kid you not, appeared to be sprouting more legs as it sat there on my windowsill.

Reason (of a sort) finally prevailed, and I looked around for something to spray at it. The only options were Febreze and Oust. So I Febrezed the hell out of the centipede, while looking for something long enough to kill it with, preferably something that I could use from another room (or even another state). The Swiffer turned out to be a godsend (hello, product placement!).

Where were the cats during this episode? Cheerfully observing. Thanks, guys. You're sure earning your keep.

Get a job.

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