Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where to begin?

First, Weight Watchers. I went to my meeting (Saturday AM) but didn't weigh in and didn't track until Monday (I figured the first day of the month was a good day to get started again). My WW leader, Ricardo, who has been my leader since I started my "off-again, on-again" WW pattern, just left (he was at WW for 6 years and he's SO NOT REPLACEABLE).

Second, there's The Cat.

I have two cats. I don't know why I thought getting a third one would be a good idea. Maybe I really am a crazy cat lady already and just don't know it yet. But as a result of too much time spent on Craigslist, and the fact that I am a Royal Sucker, I now have a third cat.

He's huge. He's hairy. He's all black with big gold eyes. He hates my other two cats and has staked out the top of my kitchen cabinets as his current living space. I'm not completely sure this thing is even a real cat. He makes one of the highest-pitched sounds I've ever heard in my life. It's not a meow or even a mew - it sounds like a gnat with an amplifier, shrieking for help.

On the plus side, he's reasonably affectionate (when he's not snarling at my other cats). I'm hopeful that eventually he'll reach a point where he and my other two cats will be able to be in the same room without an "I can hiss louder than you can" match taking place. But in the meantime, I've got a very confused blind Snowshoe cat wondering where all the noise is coming from, an elderly, angry tabby refusing to cede any turf, and a gigantic, furry black blob living in my kitchen.

I'm staying the hell off Craigslist.

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