Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Changes, Changes

Before I blog about anything humorous, lighthearted, or in other words, all things completely foreign to my nature, I think it's appropriate to share a short recap of the recent upheavals in my life, namely:

Losing My Old Grey Lady

My Old Grey Lady died two months ago, at the ripe old (for a feline) age of 17 years. I only owned her for 5 of those years, but we had a good run. If she'd been human, she'd have been a tiny old lady in white gloves, a pillbox hat, a cigar and a martini, but she'd still have been a lady.
Rest in peace, old girl. I miss you.

Adopting Mingus the Ninja Kitten

Mingus the Ninja Kitten showed up shortly before the the Old Lady passed away. He deserves at least one introductory blog post all on his own, so more to come. In the meantime, his current favorite hobby is climbing my back, regardless of what I'm wearing (or not wearing).

Being "Let Go"

For the first time in my life, I was let go from a job. Granted, I haven't had that many jobs - leaving out catsitting, babysitting, plantsitting, etc., I've had 4 office jobs total in my entire 33 years - but this was a brand new experience. This is going to figure largely in future posts, I'm sure.

The thing is, I'm not sorry. I'm not saying it wasn't a traumatic experience - because being thanked repeatedly for your hard work for 4 years and then being told one day that you're not right for your job and never have been is not exactly going to make a person feel like a potentially valuable employee for someone else.

But I did learn a lot over the past 4 years, some of which I'll be sharing.

The most important thing I learned?

Never trust a lawyer.

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